Embracing the Freedom
How Remote Work Transformed Our Lives at Mashmob.
Here at Mashmob we all work remotely… After the pandemic made the decision to stay remote. We set ourselves some questions and each of us answered honestly…
What’s it really like?
What is your one absolute favourite thing about WFH?

I’m loving having the commuting time back. There’s no mad rush in the morning or battle with traffic to get home.

I love arriving to work feeling relaxed and ready for the day, as opposed to former times, when I’d arrive shell shocked after my daily bouts of road rage.

I get to have a cheeky lie in each morning, as I don’t need to get up as early to beat the traffic.

I initially travelled to Belfast from Derry to work, so saving those hours throughout the week is bliss.

Spending the day with my dog.

When did you start WFH?

As soon as I heard there was a bug, I slapped on the old tinfoil hat and headed for the hills.

I started working from home when I joined MashMob in August 2020. When Rachel mentioned to me that MashMob were recruiting I jumped at the chance. Initially it felt a bit weird that people could see into my house, but now it doesn’t phase me.

As soon as the pandemic reached us in March 2020. Where’s the time gone!!

I worked from home on and off throughout the pandemic in different studios, and loved it. When the opportunity came up to move to a permanent WFH position, I jumped at the chance.

I’m the newbie at Mashmob but have been working from home part time for a while from my previous job, but WFH full-time has been great!

How does WFH compare to working in an office?

When I worked in a studio, I’d feel reluctant and guilty if I wanted feedback on the project I was working on, because I’d have to distract someone from their work and get them to come to my desk. But in Mashmob, because we all sit on Skype together from 9-5 (Alexa, play Dolly Parton) I don’t think twice about asking as all I need to do is share my screen to the guys and everyone can quickly glance at it – but I like to keep them guessing whether I’m going to show them artwork or a meme!

I love my home comforts, so I definitely feel more at ease working in my own space rather than in an office. Plus you get plenty of craic on skype, so you never feel isolated!

It’s great! All the social benefits with our skype virtual office and regular meetups, but with all the added benefits of being from home. As we are all in the same virtual space, it’s easy to share ideas, work, thoughts etc. No more Sunday night dread either.

I really like it. Everyone arrives in good form. Sometimes in PJ’s, pointing no fingers Carla (mum’s the word 😜). We spend the entire day together through Skype,we can see each other’s faces rather than the side of our heads.
On a more serious note, I find it much easier to manage jobs and the team works more cohesively. A phrase you will hear regularly is “guys can you take a look at this?”. The beauty of Skype is everyone has the opportunity to contribute…This seems to perfectly suit the creative process and removes boundaries that I have always felt existed in traditional agencies.

Not much has changed, we still chat nonsense all day just over video calls instead of across the studio. Other than the obvious lack of a physical space with everyone working together it’s not that different. We still meet up regularly for breakfast dates or drinks – we’re not just pixels!
Are there any things you do better since WFH?

I definitely find design in general much easier. I have built a creative space in my home with my favourite art prints, books and trinkets, all of which help to motivate me to create and do more. I find myself more focussed, and less easily distracted.

I actually find it easier to switch off in the evenings and walk away from my computer which leaves me ready for the following day. I’m also saving way more money from travel and lunches which is a major win!

Eating less sausage rolls.

It’s helped us figure out what we want Mashmob to be.

I actually found working in a studio environment distracting. I’d be having multiple tea breaks when everyone else was and I’d be counting down the hours until lunch and until I could go home. But because I’m already working from home, and enjoy my own environment I can settle and focus on the tasks at hand.
Another thing I do better is saving money, haha. I’m not needlessly buying lunches and cups of tea before and after work!

What’s your workspace like?

Generally reasonably tidy, however I am afraid to look too closely for fear of discovering life. I have my own office with some of my favourite artists’ work on the walls. I have an L shaped sofa, recording equipment and lots of ugly toys.

Looking at the other guys’ workspaces, mine definitely needs a makeover! I’m currently bundled away in our spare room which we use for storage and clothes. So I think I’m going to start transforming it into a more suitable working from home space and also make more use of our balcony!

After 4 years I’ve finally decorated my space with artwork I love and a range of comfy spots for my cat and dog (Rupert & Riley) to snooze. And more recently decided to invest in a standing desk to stop me spending my day hunched over my computer screen. My back is much happier!

I recently bought a house last year so my space is looking very white and bland at the minute! I kicked Jamie out of his office (Sorry!!) and use the box room as my little nook. I’m slowly adding some colour and personality to the space.

A desktop built into an alcove in our awkwardly-shaped spare room, which by night is my spoiled dog’s bedroom and by day is also his bedroom but he is kind enough to let me work here while he snores. It started out “minimalist” and now there’s hardly a surface free thanks to little trinkets, notes, books, photos and plants. One day it’ll look like the original jumanji, and I might just look like Robin Williams in it.

Are there any challenges with working completely remotely?

I think my main challenge is making sure I get out of the house and take myself for a walk, or speak to other people. I love meeting people and being social, so I occasionally feel a bit like a hermit after a long week.

I’m similar to Sarah! I make sure I get out for a morning walk with Arnold (my cockapoo pup) before work, as I would never leave the house lol! Arnold is also not a fan of the postman so keeping him chill can be tough at times, but luckily my partner Jamie works from home too.

As a manager my primary function is to make sure everyone is happy, connected and that they love their role. I try to encourage as many meet ups as possible, as I believe a truly 100% remote setup wouldn’t work for my team.

For me having two very needy boys, Rupert & Riley, that want your undivided attention. If it’s not Riley’s trying to get on my knee, it’s Rupert tap dancing across my keyboard. If you see my panicked face in a meeting it’s usually a pet related drama unfolding (hopefully out of shot!)

I think my main challenge is making sure that I’m not deafening the guys or our clients during meetings when my partner is home shredding AC/DC songs on his Gibson guitar and giving us a karaoke performance!

Would you ever consider going back to work in an office setting?

I’ve gotten so used to working from home over the past few years and there are a lot of pros that I would struggle changing to working in an office full-time again. I like having my own space to feel creative. It’s also difficult for me as I have to travel a fair bit, but if there was a space close to home I would maybe consider going a couple of days to get out of the house. Overall, i’m very happy wfh 🙂

If I always have the choice, then my honest answer is no. There are so many more pro’s to working at home for me than there are con’s and I’ve found that I’m actually much happier and much more productive working from home. It really works for our team and in our line of work, so I don’t know why I’d ever want to add to the extra expense and stress of working in a studio if it can be helped!

Yes I have been flirting with the idea of setting up a base somewhere across the water, as well as perhaps somewhere closer to home in Belfast like the Ormeau baths or something of that nature. It would be entirely voluntary and just for those that enjoy the feeling of a bustling hub around them.

While this set up is working so well I can see no real benefit to ever wanting to go back to commuting, sad overpriced sandwiches and an office that’s either too hot or too cold.

Not at the moment, I love the flexibility that comes with working from home.
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